Fans vid flygplatsen!

"They've only been famous for a year, but One Direction were welcomed with an A-list reception last night as they touched down on US soil.
The British boyband have flown across the Atlantic in a bid to crack the American market, including asupport slot on the Big Time Rush tour and a cameo stint on Nickelodeon sitcom iCandy.
An army of fans waited with placards at LAX airport - largely dominated by girls, but with a handful of boys too - hinting this year's X Factor winners Little Mix could be in for a successful future too."
- via Dailymail
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Kategori: Blandat,
skit helt sjukt I LOVE ONE DIRECTION!!!
skit helt sjukt I LOVE ONE DIRECTION!!!
HARRY!! <3
Haha! har ni tänkt hur många brunetter det är där? Zayne kommer FLippa hihihi :)
Haha ja jag tänkte också på att nästan alla är brunhåriga! :P